To create an account, please go to and choose your desired subscription length by clicking SIGN UP under one of the four options below.

Next you will be taken to the registration screen where you enter your login and billing details. Please make sure that your password is between 12 and 32 characters and contains at least 1 number, 1 upper case and lower case letter. Also, make sure to check that you are not a robot and click Next.

After that, you will be prompted to accept our EULA and Terms of Service. After reviewing the documentation, please check the two boxes and then finally, a 3rd confirmation box.

You will now arrive at your cart that should show your total along with the subscription length you chose.
Please choose a way to pay (view our accepted payment methods here), enter your payment details and complete the check out process by clicking SUBMIT PAYMENT.
Please make sure you are entering all information requested. The correct billing address, expiration date, CVV and postal code. The address on file with iRacing needs to match the one that is on on the payment form.
Also, please make sure that there are no special characters, such as accents, or -(dashes), or parenthesis, or + signs in the iRacing Billing and Shipping information, especially in the street address and phone fields.

After your payment is processed successfully, you will then receive a confirmation receipt of purchase and can log into with your account email and password.
Please contact if you have any issues